USS Surfbird Association Meeting
September 27, 2007
Nashville, Tenessee
The evening was started with Gary Geist as M.C. He welcomed everyone.
The Colors were presented by the local American Legion Post #88, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The invocation was given by Commander Edward Williams, retired.
After dinner Gary introduced Lieutenant John Briggs, active, who is serving as a recruiting officer in the Nashville area. The subject of his presentation was the modern Navy.
This was followed by drawing for door prizes.
The business meeting was called to order at 9:00 PM by sec/treas. Tom Dannatt with 14 members and 12 wives in attendance.
Gary Geist gave a report on the audit of the treasurers books, conducted by himself and Bill Evans, the books were found to balance and were up to date. They did have several suggestions to the treasurer, to avoid duplicating records.
Election of officers, for the next two years, was next.
Gary Geist was nominated as president. He was asked if he would be willing to serve for the term. He agreed. There being no further nominations, for president, he was elected by a unanimous vote.
Larry McMaster was nominated to serve as vice president. He was asked if he would be willing to serve for the term. He agreed. There being no further nominations, for vice president, he was elected by a unanimous vote.
Tom Dannatt was nominated as sec/treas. He also agreed to serve another term. There being no further nominations for sec/treas., he also was elected by a unanimous vote.
Following the elections, Waymon Sanders, our first president, presented the Presidents Plaque to newly elected President Gary Geist.
Don Gillispie then thanked Larry Bennetts for his dedication and the outstanding job he did while serving as, our second, President. He also explained that due to business commitments, Larry regretfully was unable to attend the reunion.
After some discussion Chuck Lyons agreed to contact the Reserve Association to put an article in their magazine, to attempt to locate those who had served on the USS Surfbird.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM. with a benediction by Tom Dannatt.
Respectfully Submitted
Tom Dannatt Secretary/Treasure