Left to Right
Back row: Authur Rush, Franklin A. Lee, Franklin P. Lee, Dale Pritchett, Gerald Blevins, Steven Albanese , Linda McNamee
Third row: Elaine Rush, Bill Hatcher, Chuck Lyons, Bob Anhalt, Don Gillispie, Larry McMaster, Bill Nugent, Pat Welfl, Bill Huchison, Carol Huchison, Ed Lee
Second row: Sam Canale, Hiroko Hatcher, Marietta Lyons, Diane Anhalt, Sharon Gillispie, Diedrie McMaster, Dorothy Titus, Gladys Welfl, Rita Albanese, Mary Lee.
Front row: Olga Canale, Carolyn Smith, Finus Smith, Linnea Bennetts, Larry Bennetts, Kathalene Dannatt, Tom Dannatt, Guy Albanese

Left to Right
Back row: Dale Pritchett (EMC 1968-70), Chuck Lyons (SK2 1960-62), Bob Anhalt (EM2 1962-65), Don Gillispie (RM2 1960-63), Bill Nugent (QM1/c 1944-45), Pat Welfl (SN 1955-57), Gerald Blevins (RM1 1960-63)
Second row: Bill Hatcher (EN1 1961-64), Aurthur Rush (EN3 1961-63), Bill Hutchinson (EN3 1951-53), Franklin Lee (1945-46), Larry McMaster (EN2 1968-70), Edward Lee (F2/c 1945-46)
Front Row: Sam Canale (S/C 1st Class 1944-46), Finus Smith (EN3 1961-63), Larry Bennetts (SMSN 1961-63), Tom Dannatts (CS3 1961-63), Guy Albanese (BM1/c 1944-46)