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2005 Reunion Summary

by Larry Bennetts, Reunion Committee Chairman

On Tuesday, September 27th 2005 twenty two former crewmembers and their families of the USS Surfbird 383 gathered together at the Boardwalk hotel in Las Vegas our second reunion. Following are the activities that took place for the three days of our visiting the sites around Las Vegas and getting to know one another.

This reunion was held at the Boardwalk. The hotel is centrally located in the near middle of the strip. Close the Monte Carlo, Belagio and most of all shopping sites for all.

We engaged "Military Reunion Planners" who are based in Texas to assist us in the planning of the reunion and they were, responsible on putting this reunion together.


The anchor was weighed and we got under way. Registration desk opened for early arrival, several attendees arrived several days before. I would like to especially thank Don Gillispie and Tom Dannatt for their support and assistance in making the reunion a success and arriving over the weekend.

Once the registration desk and hospitality room opened we found our wayward shipmates.

Pictures were taken of each shipmate and their guest. We had one shipmate (Bill Hutchinson) that even brought his dress blue jumper and was able fit into it gracefully for the photo.

After registering , many shipmates gathered in the hospitality room to have some refreshment and renew old friendships and meet other former crew members. At 6:30pm everyone gathered together for the guided "Las vegas Sights & Lights" tour and we were shuttled to the downtown area on Fremont street. The light show was awesome.


This was the official beginning of the reunion as many had arrived the day before. The hospitality room was already buzzing with former crew members and their guests. Some of the crew members had provided some memorabilia of past to share as well of old stories of old and newer were told (some will never leave that suite).

At 7:00pm our group buffet dinner was open and the group was welcomed by Association Vice President. Agenda and announcements were made. Fun at the tables, were had by all.


Hospitality room opened.

Copies of the bylaws were distributed in registration packets for approval at the business meeting.

Wednesday 8:00AM approximately 18 guests took off for the Hoover Dam tour which lasted till around 1:00PM and returned. This was much of a free day for everyone. Some went out shopping, walking the strip, dinner shows.


9:00 AM Thursday was a preparation day for the Gala Banquet Dinner. Businesses meeting of the officers were held. Financial reports were reviewed next reunion locations were discussed.

Hospitality room opened to all. Free day again for all no activities were planned.

6:00-7:00pm Gathered for group and couple photos.

7:00pm Pre-dinner events held. Posting of colors, invocation given by, Tom Dannatt.

Drawings of sold tickets were held during the course of the evening raffling off a number of donated gifts.

8:00pm: Business meeting was held financial and audit reports, bylaws were presented and approved. Nominations for 2006-2007 for officers of the association were opened and elections were held.

After the business meeting many hung around to visit with one another and some went to other events available in the surrounding casinos in Las Vegas.

My heartfelt thanks to those who assisted me on putting this together were Don Gillispie, Tom Dannatt, Finis Smith who had assisted in the audit on making the 2005 Surfbird reunion a success.

To those that attended, thank you for coming.

To those who were unable to be with us........we hope to see you in 2007!